
Review Policy

Clicking this link certainly means that something has kept you interested in this blog. I thank you for that. As far as my review policy is concerned, I'd start with the cliché, I don't charge anything from any author for a review, a free book is payment enough, reading is just a hobby of mine and writing the review is just incidental, in the process of my reading the book.  

The genres that I'm particularly interested in are crime, thrillers, war novels, historical fiction, political fiction and perhaps young adult. Fantasy used to be my favourite genre but these days, I don't read much fantasy, probably because, I'm out of the targeted age. However, I'd consider your book provided the write-up interests me.

The genres that I've not ventured into yet / not interested in are romance (although, I don't mind a sub-plot in the genres mentioned in preceding paragraph), religion (exception: a pro-atheist book), poems, poetic fiction and self-help books. Just a general point, please don't say something like 'I'm sure you'd like my book', I'd decide that after reading your book

In case the genre of your book is listed neither in the likes nor in the dislikes and you're interested in me reviewing your book, the acceptance of the same is subject to my discretion.

This is how my rating system works:

0/10 : It'd be morally wrong to award this rating, and hence, I shall not give this rating to any book in my reviews. I'd always respect the hard work and the research that an author puts into a novel.

1/10: This is the least possible rating for a book, in my reviews. However, I'd seldom rate a book with this number. It just implies that I loathed the book.

2/10: In simple terms, this would imply that the book is bad, and I shall not be suggesting it to anybody.

3/10: Sometimes I wonder why I even have this rating but it'd be very odd if I skip a number. There is only a very thin line of difference between 3 and 2. A book rated three is slightly better than the one with the preceding rating but nevertheless, that is no merit.

4/10: I award this to a book when I found the concept to be good but was ruined by a below average story.

5/10: This is a neither here nor there position where I'd have liked it individually as a story but in the end, reading it wasn't an enjoyable experience.

6/10: Language, style of writing, presentation are all insignificant. If I find the book to be good, irrespective of all the others, it'd get a minimum of six.

7/10: Simple definition, must be better than just good. I don't find a point in elaborating it any further.

8/10: To be rated eight, the book should be great, must give me utmost reading pleasure and at the same time, be flawless.

9/10: Nine is the exact antonym of one, in my reviewing. It has to be too good in all aspects and the experience of flipping through the pages should've been absolutely effortless.

10/10: I believe that nothing is perfect. I shall not award this rating to any book, unless under extraordinary circumstances.

Some say my ratings are always a little too harsh and hence, I thought it'd be better to elaborate what the rating means. The benchmarks are subject to reasonable changes depending on the genre, this is just a broad framework.

Coming back to my policy, I accept only hard copies, somehow, the idea of e-books are yet to impress me. The promise from my side is that I'd write a very honest review. A book being sent is a review assured but I can't assure a positive review. In case the review turns out to be positive, the author shall be the first to read my review but if it doesn't turn out to be a positive one, a difficulty arises. My policy is to assure a review when a book is sent, irrespective of the result and I shall hold on to the policy, the only thing being that I shall not inform the author before posting the 'negative' review.  

Another important aspect of my policy is that, my reviews don't differentiate between a book that I picked up off the shelf or a book I read upon a direct request from the author, unless I find it to be absolutely necessary, I would not mention anything about a review request nor would there be any indication of a conversation between the author and myself.

Moreover, if you want your review within a given time, it'd be only right to give prior warning, in that case, I'm not the person for you. Reading is only one of the things I do and moreover, I have a collection of books where a lot of books are yet to be read and the last constraint is, I'm very slow when it comes to reading.

I post the review in Astute and Goodreads or any other place which an author demands. 

If you're genuinely interested in getting your book reviewed by me, shoot an e-mail.

If I'm interested, I'd respond to your mail within reasonable time. However, I've never had the courage to say no to anybody and hence, if I don't respond to your mail within 72 hours, my silence shall be deemed as a refusal.

Have a nice day,
